CRYPTO PIRATE: Idle game that brings together the adventures of Pirates looking for adventure in the expanses of space.

Ancillary games, also known as clicker games, clicking games or tap games, are computer games whose interactivity consists of the player performing a live activity, for example, repeatedly tapping the screen. This destruction earns the player in-game money which can be used to increase the speed of securing money.

An idle game, otherwise called an Incremental game, is a type of game characterized by an important element of its methodology: letting the game run without anyone else having at least or zero player connections. Communication with games, while often aiding movement, is an option for extended interactivity time. Today we need to give our players some sentimentality and happiness from their distant youth. A great life where you, on your personal transport, clear your own way to distinction and fortune.


This is an Idle Game about a personal traveler wandering the endless territory of space. For most of us, we grew up understanding books and comics about privateers. And after that in the jungle gym we imagined ourselves as the commander of the ship, definitely giving requests to the group, ruthlessly destroying the enemy and boldly investigating according to the Kraken.

What are the Benefits of Investing in Crypto-Pirate

The benefits of investing in Crypto-Pirates are many. One of the most important features is that it is simply a game that you can play while benefiting from dividends and growth in your investment. This is not a scam, but the real deal. The game is based on the collectible type game, which has become popular in the last decade with the advent of blockchain. The funny thing about the word “investment” is that it means something very different to different people. For some, that means buying a stock and hoping it goes up. This game is unique, and offers something you won’t find anywhere else. The idea behind Crypto-Pirates is to give users the ability to invest in their own unique digital artwork. Crypto-Pirates is one of the hottest blockchain games out there.

Investing in crypto pirates is a way to get into the crypto world. Crypto-Pirates is an NFT game on the Ethereum blockchain. NFT is a crypto game that pays dividends in Ethereum (ETH). As a crypto game, it is not like an ordinary game that can be played on the internet, but a blockchain-based internet game. The difference is that the user plays the game using NFT and he does not use any currency to play the game. Users will earn ETH by playing games. There are several other benefits that users can get by having NFT.

What is a Crypto Pirate?

Crypto Pirates is a game about pirates, treasure and epic battles. But it’s not just an ordinary game. This is the first in-game marketplace that allows players to sell their items and get paid in Cryptocurrencies. This is a revolutionary idea that will change the way people think about video games and virtual items. Cryptocurrency is the new gold, and the only way to get it is to mine it. But mining is difficult and expensive, which is why we created a way for you to have the best “crypto” experience. With Crypto Pirates, you can get all the gold you want, upgrading your ship as you go!

Crypto Pirates is a multiplayer online game running on the blockchain. As a player, you can explore the map, buy and sell items, trade with other players, battle pirates, and claim territory. Since the game runs on the blockchain, everything you do is transparent and immutable. There is no centralized server, so no one to trick you. The gameplay is blockchain and smart contract driven. The game has its own cryptocurrency, which is required to buy, sell and trade anything in the game.


Why develop Crypto Pirates?

The main goal of the project is to create an interesting gameplay that will appeal to players and will provide an opportunity to earn tokens. We wanted to create not only another project for NFT holders, but, above all, an interesting game for everyone, even for those who are not ready to shop. Crypto Pirates is an online game with a twist. This is a game that allows you to buy items and sell them for a profit. This is a game where you can buy and sell weapons, ships and castles. This is a game that allows you to create an economy and make a living from it. This is a game that lets you play from any device and from anywhere in the world.

This is a game that lets you play in a life-sized sandbox world. This is a game where you can meet and play with up to 500 people. This is a game where you can team up with your friends and play with them, or work against them. This is an exciting game because it is realistic. A game where you get to live the life of a pirate. Where you can buy and sell anything you want. By turning.

Why was the Crypto Pirates Game Invented?

Currently, online games can be obtained easily by anyone, from adults to children. And their goals for playing games are also different, ranging from just looking for entertainment, social education to making money through playing games like those offered by Crypto Pirates. By being pirate-based and using the internet to play it, Crypto Pirates can be played simultaneously using the devices you have, such as smartphones and computers that are connected via a crypto wallet that you use to the Crypto Pirates platform. Crypto Pirates uses the Metaverse Method, so players can benefit from the games they play. And can interact directly with other players in cyberspace.

Why Crypto Pirates Game Is So Interesting To Play?

Crypto Pirates is an online game that uses the internet to play it. So to be successful in this game, you are required to always be connected to the internet network. But what distinguishes the Crypto Pirates game from other games is that you don’t invest in advance to be able to play and make a profit in the Crypto Pirates game. You only need a personal Wallet, namely a Metamask wallet or other wallet that supports it and an internet network to earn income. Because the Crypto Pirates project will provide profits for investors and players. Namely providing an opportunity on how to get involved in online marketing that aims to help attract customers’ attention to the products owned by investors. And get $Pst Tokens for free without the need to invest first, like requirements for other games. This is an advantage for the players. What do you all think? Of course we all want to try our luck in the Crypto Pirates game.




You can fight monsters or even other players to collect resources that can help you in your next battle. One way to become stronger and defeat stronger opponents is to get rarer loot as a reward for killing stronger enemies.


At some point you will meet other players in our game, but not all of them will be looking to fight. You can meet them randomly (at special coordinates and within a certain timeframe) or by challenging players to a duel by going up to an individual and selecting that option from a to-do list.


Crypto Pirates is always being updated and improved, but we’re also pleased to introduce functionality that allows players and traders alike to get up-to-date information on their NFTs before deciding which one they want to sell or buy.


Non-fungible tokens (NFT) are assets that are built on a blockchain and therefore they are tradable. You can trade it on our marketplace or use it again in the game. Once purchased, NFTs can be sold in-game, giving their owners more opportunities to profit from them.


Goal Goal

The main point of this endeavor is to create refreshing interactivity that will appeal to players and will provide an opportunity to earn tokens. We need to make one more task for NFT holders, but, most importantly, an interesting game for everyone, in any case, for people who are not ready to shop.

Opportunities for investors and players

  • For Investors

We will develop the task and put resources into its progress to build business visibility among crypto local areas. This will give interest to our resource and increase its value.

  • For players

You can play this game without speculation, which allows the opportunity to make a profit with the current token. You can issue tokens to your wallet or make in-app purchases.


  • Allowed to start
  • Valuable opportunity to earn without preliminary speculation
  • NFT takes part in the game and builds player advantage
  • Each NFT new group does not downgrade the previous version
  • Unlimited use of tokens in the game
  • Arrangement
  • In the middle of a cruise
  • Multiplatform



  • Game cycle

Move between ports and battle against beasts, dangerous managers and different players. Take loot from them and become the most extravagant privateer in a completely different World.

  • Boat

The main driving force of the game. Each enlisted player gets a free boat. Players can further develop boat details by purchasing and executing NFT cards. Depending on the level of the card, it adds a certain amount of detail.

Market and economy

There are three elements in the game: assets, piastres, gifts

  • Assets

Assets are used to repair boats during battles and investigations. Dropped from the horde and found while sailing. Assets are lost after death.

  • Dollars

Piastres were used to repair boats in the harbor and to buy antiques. Piastress cannot be lost in PvP. It is rare for piasters to be found while sailing.

  • Gifts

Rewards are collected from monsters and players who are destroyed. The more prominent the power of a chieftain, the more rewards you get for killing him. Some of the rewards will be lost if the PVP dies. Once per day, players are awarded a certain number of piastres considering the amount of prizes collected. The reward counter is then reset to zero.

Seed Round – 4% – 40000000
Personal Selling – 14% – 140000000
IDO – 4% – 40000000
Tim – 18% – 180000000
Marketing – 15% – 150000000
Ecosystem – 45% 450000000

Crypto Pirates game is a free economic strategy game with a blockchain theme. It is available on Android and iOS and is designed to help players learn more about blockchain and cryptocurrencies. In the game, players collect their own fleet of ships, trade goods, and attack other players. Each ship has 4 stats: Combat, Speed, Cargo and Insurance. Ships are used to attack other players and are used to trade goods and weapons. The game has an in-game marketplace that allows players to buy ships, products and weapons using the in-game currency or using cryptocurrencies.


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Username: Panggkah

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